First Day of School Info.

Tuesday is the first day of school!!

With that being said, there are a few things I want to make sure everyone knows before school starts.  The first is that cell phones are not allowed during the instructional day at the middle school any longer.  Students are asked to keep them in their backpacks or their lockers.  If you need to get ahold of your student call the front office at (907) 224-9000, and we will get them the message.  Thanks for your understanding.

The second is that we, along with the elementary and high school, will have our front doors locked from 8:20 onwards.  This out of an abundance of caution as well as being a covid mitigation.  Call the front office, and we will let you in.  Following this, all visitors and volunteers must wear masks if in the school building during the instructional day.  Also, if you plan on volunteering or being a frequent visitor to the building, please go through the background check process of the district website.  Thanks!

Third, there have been some questions about what constitutes a close contact during the school day.  Per Nurse Yoly, a close contact is anyone who is within 6’ of someone for more than 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.  A person will be considered a close contact regardless of whether they were masked or not.  However, if a person is vaccinated, they do not need to stay home.  However, it is advised that they are tested 3-5 days after exposure.  This is a fluid situation and subject to change; as we get updates, we will update you.  Thanks for your understanding.

Finally, on Tuesday, students will go into areas by grade level.  6th grade goes to the North Pod where the 6th grade classes are.  7th will go into the south pod.  8th will stay in the auditeria.  Teachers will be stationed in each pod with the student’s schedules and be able to answer any questions that come up. 


Matt Potter

(907) 224-9025- office

(907) 570-1505- cell

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