SMCS Kindergarten Welcome Page

We are so glad to welcome our new kindergarten families who will be joining us next year! It is our hope this page is helpful in transitioning your student to our school. You will find useful information for our steps and processes for enrollment and also a video highlighting our program. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school.

SMCS Kindergarten Welcome Video

Basic School Information

Kindergarten First Day (Half-Days): Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Kindergarten First Full Day: Monday, August 26th, 2024

School Times: Doors Open @ 8:20 AM; School Starts @ 8:40 AM; Dismissal @ 3:30 PM for students being picked up.

Bussing: Available for students in the SOEL bussing footprint. Kindergarten students must have a parent at the bus stop at pickup and drop off. (If parent is not at the stop, the driver will keep the student on the bus and continue the route.) Kindergarteners can be accompanied by a sibling in grade 4 or higher for drop off.

Kindergarten Family Action Items

First Step – Registration:

If your child is not in district pre-school, please fill out the New Student Registration Form with the district.
Click on the blue “New Student Registration Form” button on the link.

If your student is in pre-school in the district please contact the school and let us know which school. Thanks in advance, and please contact us if you have any questions.

April 17th, 2024 – Kindergartener Classroom Visit

We host an “Open House” for our new kindergarteners each spring. It is an opportunity for the students and families to see the classroom, meet the teacher, and gear up for an exciting milestone in your child’s life. It also is the first time students will see their classmates

The “Open House” lasts from 5:30-6:30. It is a very relaxed, informal time dedicated to letting students explore the room and allowing parents to meet and interreact with the teacher, principal, and other families for the first time. We do not share or present information, but can answer questions if desired.

Kindergarten Screening Days

Due to a scheduling conflict, kindergarten screening assessments will take place during the school year for 24-25. Typically kindergarten screening days occur before school starts, in a one-on-one setting, to achieve the best results for students. However, we will be conducting screening assessments during the school day this year.

Friday, August 9th and Monday, August 12th, by appointment, in the kindergarten classroom. Parents will wait in the office completing district paperwork while the teacher works with your child in the classroom (approximately ½ hour).

August 15th (2024) – Kindergarten Parent Orientation Meeting

Thursday, August 15th, 2024 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. We are planning on an in-person meeting, but that could change depending on circumstances and District directives. This meeting is for PARENTS ONLY. Please do not bring little ones.

August 21st-23rd (2024) – Kindergarten Half-Day Schedule

Kindergartners will attend school for half days the first week of school: Wednesday, August 21st through Friday, August 23rd. Beginning August 1, sign your child up to attend either the morning session OR the afternoon session, for the first week of school.

  • Students signed up to attend the morning session will begin at 8:40 and end at 11:40. Kindergartners may ride the bus to school or be dropped off no later than 8:40 am. All morning session students must be picked up promptly at 11:40. Lunch will not be served. A morning snack will be provided. No bus home for this session.
  • Students signed up to attend the afternoon session will begin at 12:30 and end at 3:30. Students should not arrive early for this session. Students may ride the bus home or be picked up no later than 3:35. Lunch will not be served. An afternoon snack will be provided.
  • Friday August 23rd, all students should plan to bring a cold lunch to school. The whole class will gather for lunch from 11:45 – 12:15. Morning class will go home at 12:15 and Afternoon class will arrive at 11:45.
  • Note: Kindergartners riding the bus, will need a bus pass prior to the first day of school. Mrs. Cavazos, our school secretary, can help you with this.