Free Developmental, Vision & Hearing Screenings for preschoolers

Would you like more information about your child’s development?CHILD FIND Can Help!

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) provides free screening for children 3 through 5 years old (not yet in kindergarten)

Areas screened include: speech and language, learning and understanding, coordination and movement, social-emotional skills, self-help skills (feeding, dressing, and toileting), vision or hearing.

More here:

Early Release Wed. 9/15/21

Wednesday Sept. 15, is an Early Release Day! Your student will get out of school at 1:30pm, 90 minutes early. Busses run their regular routes, the time is simply adjusted by the 1.5 hours

Read More Here

Mask Update 9/10/2021

Dear Seward Elementary families and staff,

Thank you for your effort the past two weeks to keep as many people attending school in person. Our school will join several other KPBSD schools, and continue universal masking for an additional two weeks through Friday, September 24, 2021. Factors that impact this decision include positive COVID-19 cases in schools; the number of identified close contacts who need to quarantine; continued high community spread; an absenteeism rate of over 25% at the three Seward schools; a staffing shortage and lack of substitute teachers.

This action and your help will continue to help slow in-school exposure to COVID-19, and keep students in school without a need to quarantine if they are exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19*.

KPBSD requires universal masking for all students and staff at Seward Elementary while indoors at school, and this action will be reevaluated on Friday, September 24, 2021. Face coverings continue to be required for everyone who rides a bus.

I am asking us all to do our part to help keep everyone safe during this trying time. Wearing face coverings will help us keep more students in school because students will not be considered close contacts if both the student who tests positive is wearing a mask and the students sitting close to them are also wearing a face covering. Universal masking in our school will result in less students needing to quarantine. While this was a tough decision, our main goal is to see as many kids as possible in person and avoid the necessity for quarantine, or even the possibility of transitioning to remote school. If you have any questions please give me a call at (907) 224-3356. Superintendent Holland supports this temporary change. Thank you for your consideration and help in this trying time.

Alan Haskins, Principal  907 224-3356

PS: You can help protect your family and community: if you or someone you know has any symptoms of illness, stay home, and get a free COVID-19 test. Everyone 12 and older can receive a free vaccination to help prevent serious illness or death.

For more information about the KPBSD mitigation plan, close contact action steps, and symptom-free school protocol, visit the COVID-19 in KPBSD Hub. Please call Nurse Lyndsay or me, with questions.

*Universal masking close contact: when both students are wearing well-fitted face coverings, a close contact is someone who was within 3’ of a student who is positive for COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes in 24 hours.

No School Monday 9/6/21- Labor Day!

Happy Friday everyone! This is just a reminder that there is no school this coming Monday, September 6th, which is Labor Day. 

We also want to let you know that Wednesday, September 15th is an early release day with students being dismissed 1-1/2 hours earlier than normal. (i.e. Kindergarten dismissing at 1:20, remainder of students at 1:30). Bus service will be provided.  

Have a fun-filled and safe 3-day weekend! 

Substitute in a KPBSD School

Do you have time and interest to be a substitute in a KPBSD school? It takes a village! Learn more here.

KPBSD Seeks Substitutes—all types of positions are needed!

You choose when you say, “Yes, I can work!”
Teachers: certified and non-certified; Aides; Instructional Assistants; Secretaries and clerical positions; Custodians; Interpreters; Nurses; Pool Employees; Activity Bus Drivers

A Note From Principal Haskins

We are off to a fantastic start this year! I just wanted share my gratitude for each of our staff members for working to create positive classroom communities this first few weeks of school. I have observed clear expectations, community-building circles, problem-solving strategies, and students having a lot of fun engaging in content related activities. Teachers and students are modeling compassion, patience and kindness toward one another, which is helping to create a wonderful climate and culture at Seward Elementary.

We are so fortunate to be able to open our doors again and receive students for in-person learning this year. The energy in the building has been a positive, electric vibe. The challenge for us will be to keep kids in school as much as possible. In the building, we are utilizing the tools we have at our disposal to limit the spread of Covid-19 and reduce the number of people who would have to be out when there is a positive case in our building. This includes actively encouraging all students and staff to wear masks indoors as well as employing cohort groups, sanitation protocols and practicing social distancing.

What can you do to help kids stay in school?

The simplest thing we can all do to keep students in school is have as many students as possible wear a mask. If BOTH an infected student and a close contact are wearing properly fitting masks, the close contact will likely NOT need to quarantine.  Until September 10th, students and staff are required to wear masks to help level the spread of COVID-19.  I am asking that we all do our part to help keep everyone safe during this trying time.

Please be sensitive if you or your family members experience any symptom of illness—including what you think might be allergies. The best action is to stay home if it is the start of the school or work day, avoid activities around other people, and get a COVID-19 test if you or a family member feels ill or loses a sense of smell or taste. If someone is already at school or work when symptoms of illness begin, KPBSD can do a free COVID-19 test (with parent permission for students). Remember that proper mask wearing is required up to September 10th, at which time we will reevaluate the situation in our schools.  Masks are required for all visitors to the building. Masks are available daily at all entrances for anyone coming into the building.

What happens when a positive case is identified at Seward Elementary?

Once we learn of a case in the school, we immediately start contact tracing to see who is considered a close contact. Calls will be made directly to families of anyone deemed a close contact explaining isolation/quarantine protocols. Once all families affected have been contacted, we will send out an email informing the entire school community that we had a positive case and that all who are affected have been contacted and isolated.

How will we serve students if they are in quarantine?

If your child needs to quarantine or isolate for a week or more and is well enough to complete work, here is how we plan to deliver services to them. This will be different from last year. All teachers are maintaining a virtual classroom environment where students can access materials. There will not be any direct instruction from the classroom teacher, but there will be resources, activities, and assignments in the core content areas (reading, writing, math) your child may work on independently or with your assistance so they do not fall behind. Or teachers may opt to send home packets for your student to do.

We also have Chromebooks available for students who are out who need one. Please contact the school if your child is out and will need a device.

The collective power of our community action over the past 18 months shows that despite our differences, we can come together and make personal, responsible choices so our kids can stay in school as much as possible.

I look forward to working with each of you this year, and I want to thank you for entrusting us with your children. My door is always open, and I welcome the opportunity to speak with each of you!

Alan Haskins, Principal Seward Elementary


Seward El Universal Masking

Seward Elementary families and staff, Principal Haskins sent an email to share that beginning Monday, August 30, Seward Elementary will require face coverings for all students and staff while indoors at school. This will be in effect for two weeks, and reevaluated on Friday, September 10, 2021.

“I am asking us all to do our part to help keep everyone safe during this trying time. Wearing face coverings will help us keep more students in school because students will not be considered close contacts if both the student who tests positive is wearing a mask and the students sitting close to them are also wearing a face covering. Universal masking in our school will result in less students needing to quarantine. Superintendent Holland supports this temporary change. Thank you for your consideration and help in this trying time.” -Mr. Haskins