Screenings for Seward El Preschool programs are happening soon/now!

Title 1 Pre-K: Download the application by clicking here.

Send completed applications to

More info to come in March!

Child Find: To schedule an appointment for a Child Find screening contact the program office at (907) 260-5148 or email

(Child Find Screenings happen year round)

New Library Books!

Hey, Sea Lions!

I know those of you who have been to the library recently have been able to see lots of new books that arrived this fall while we were remote learning. But even more new books have arrived recently. I haven’t had a chance to get those ready for checkout just yet, but I thought you might enjoy a sneak peek of what’s new!

So I made a video unpacking two boxes of new books that just arrived! To watch the video, visit the Seward Elementary Library website. And email me if you want to place a hold on any of these new books.

.-Mrs. Bamford

Library Aide

Please note: These books will not show up in Alexandria Researcher just yet because I am still working on them. The best way to let me know you’re interested in checking one out is to email me. They will be in Researcher hopefully by next week.

2 Hour Delay Thursday 1/14

►ALERT: KPBSD schools in the Eastern Kenai Peninsula* will open with a TWO HOUR DELAY START on THURSDAY, January 14, 2021, due to weather and road conditions.

If weather and road conditions warrant a full closure for any schools, that announcement will be made about 7:00 AM. If you don’t hear anything, the two-hour delay start remains in effect.Parents and guardians, if you decide, based on conditions near you to keep your child at home, absences will be excused.

*A two hour delay means that morning buses run two hours later than normal, school begins two hours later than normal, staff arrives at school two hours later than normal, and both morning and afternoon Pre-K sessions are cancelled. The school day ends at the normal time.

*Eastern Peninsula Schools in two-hour delay start

Moose Pass School

Seward Elementary

Seward High School

Seward Middle School

Free School Meals Through May 2021

All school meals (breakfast and Lunch) are free until the end of this school year for KPBSD students! (Connections students can receive meals, but you must sign up by noon on Friday each week for weekly Wednesday pick-up.)Students who want to continue to receive their education via 100% Remote Learning, or if schools shift again to 100% Remote Learning during COVID19 High Risk, can order Get It & Go Meals.Sign-up online by Friday at noon each week for once a week pick-up on Wednesday

Action: complete the simple online sign-up for lunch and breakfast meals. If you do not have access to the internet, call KPBSD Student Nutrition Services at 907-714-8890.…

100% Remote Learning Students pickup is once a week: Wednesday from 10:00-10:30 AM

A friendly reminder from the library:

If you have library books at home, please bring them back to school so they can be returned to the library this week. There are lots of new books just waiting to be checked out! I’m excited to welcome you back to the library!

–Mrs. Bamford, Library Aide

KPBSD End of 2020 Update

December 18, 2020

Dear KPBSD staff and families,“With the dawning of a new year, growing daylight, and a vaccine to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are planning for a return to more normalcy for our schools in 2021. We are excited for the return of our students to in person onsite learning no later than mid-January, and possibly as soon as January 11, 2021. 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for all of us but I am confident that 2021 will bring with it brighter days and more certainty in our everyday lives. Our dedicated building administrators and staff are busy planning all the details to safely welcome students back into schools. Schools have enhanced mitigation plans and safety measures to ensure that students, staff, and visitors are safe, and that learning for our students will be optimal. Thank you all for your steadfast resilience and dedication to the education, safety, and well-being of KPBSD students, educators, and support staff.”

– Superintendent John O’Brien

Read full article by clicking here.