Archived Showcase

Over the years Skyview has had opportunities to showcase special experiences at the school. Enjoy a glimpse of this journey.

Take a peak at past yearbooks starting at 2017/18 – these yearbooks are still available to purchase through TreeRing.

12/7/20 School Board Presentation – A highlight from Sources of Strength,
a program which supports our school focus on Social Emotional Learning
Skyview Middle School Students Take on Washington D.C. - October 2019
Follow one student through an average day at Skyview Middle School in 2017!
Before our school started using TreeRing to produce the yearbook, the book would have to be published in February and would miss representing the entire spring. This was one opportunity to showcase the last quarter of the school year!
An annual tradition at Skyview Middle School – A performance designed and presented by NEW staff members as a kick off to Turkey Trot!
2010 Staff tried their hand at performing in Drumline just like the students!