At Skyview Middle School, Nurse Jess cares for students in various ways. Please call her at 260-2521 if you have any questions or concerns. Check PowerSchool email for all health-related announcements.
KPBSD Health Service information and various medical forms (medication consent, religious immunization exemption, etc.) as well as Symptom Free Protocol can be found using the following link:
Updated forms for Asthma Action Plan and Anaphylaxis are required each new school year, and physician’s orders are to be updated annually for any student requiring inhalers or epi pens. Students need to have their own medications, as rescue meds are not always on hand at school. Self-carry students require physician’s approval.
Vision, hearing and biometric screening is conducted for 7th graders prior to Christmas break, and currently underway. Referrals for failed screenings are provided to students in sealed envelopes. Nurses have noticed increasing numbers of vision referrals. Please help students remember to wear their corrective lenses during class (to avoid learning disruptions and headaches from eyestrain.) Your involvement in your student’s health makes a difference in their education. Healthy habits now can prevent health problems in the future; wellness everyday keeps illness away!