- Opening Activities
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem/ Alaska Flag Song
- District Mission Statement
- Roll Call
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes/August 4, 2008
- Awards and Presentations – Advocacy
- Laura Sheldon, McNeil Canyon Elementary Secretary
- DePatch, McNeil Canyon Elementary Teacher
- School Reports - Accountability
- Nanwalek School - Mrs. Cheryl Schweigert
- Homer High - Mrs. Rayna Duenas
- Public Presentations (3 minutes)
(Items not on agenda, 3 minutes per speaker, 30 minutes aggregate)
- Hearing of Delegations (5 minutes)
- Project GRAD - Ms. Bonnie Powell
- Communications and Petitions
- Representative selected by the following: Advisory Committee, Site Councils and/or P.T.A., K.P.A.A., K.P.E.A., K.P.E.S.A., Borough Assembly (5 minutes)
- Superintendent's Report - Accountability
- Leadership Team Workplan
- Reports – Accountability
- Finance Report - Mrs. Melody Douglas
- Board Reports - Reports where members are officially representing the Board
- Board Worksession Report - Attendance noted
- Action Items (Board member comments should be concise and may be limited to speaking twice on a topic)
- Consent Agenda
(1) Approval of New Teacher Contracts - Structure (2) Approval of New Administrator Contract– Structure (3) Approval of Nontenure Teacher Contracts – Structure (4) Approval of Requests for Leave of Absence - Support – Structure (5) Approval of Resignations - Structure
Instructional Support
b. Approval of Kaleidoscope Charter School Reapplication - Structure Superintendent c. Approval of AASB Core Resolutions - Vision
- First Reading of Policy Revisions
- Public Presentations/Comments (Individuals are limited to three minutes each on the topic(s) listed below or on any topic.)
- Future Business
- Board Comments (Individual Board member comments are limited to three minutes.)
- Executive Session (If needed)
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Copies of agenda items are available just prior to the meeting in the back of the room or visit our website at http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us |