Agenda 12-3-07

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Board of Education Meeting Agenda
December 3, 2007 - 7:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Borough Administration Building
148 N. Binkley, Soldotna, Alaska

Mrs. Sammy Crawford, President
Mrs. Liz Downing, Vice President
Mr. Marty Anderson , Clerk
Mrs. Sunni Hilts, Treasurer
Dr. Nels Anderson
Mrs. Debra Mullins
Mrs. Debbie Brown
Mr. Bill Hatch
Ms. Lynn Hohl
Miss Brittany Meyer, Student Representative


2:30 p.m. Protocols and BylawsStructure
3:30 p.m. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Single Audit Report ) – Structure
3:45 p.m. FY09 Enrollment ProjectionsVision
4:00 p.m. Six-Year Plan Review/School Portables UpdateAccountability
4:30 p.m. Community Action Coalition Update – Accountability
5:00 p.m. Quality Schools Quality Students UpdateAccountability

  1. Opening Activities
    1. Call to Order
    2. Pledge of Allegiance/National Anthem/ Alaska Flag Song
    3. Roll Call
    4. Approval of Agenda
    5. Approval of Minutes/November 5, 2007
  1. Awards and PresentationsAdvocacy
    1. Natalie Kant, Connections Program Teacher
  1. School Reports - Accountability
    1. Redoubt Elementary – Mr. John Pothast
  1. Public Presentations
  1. Hearing of Delegations
    1. Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve – Mr. Mike Larson
  1. Communications and Petitions
  1. Advisory Committee, Site Councils and/or P.T.A., K.P.A.A., K.P.E.A., K.P.E.S.A., Borough Assembly
  1. Superintendent's Report - Accountability
  1. ReportsAccountability
    1. Financial Report – Mrs. Melody Douglas
    2. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Single Audit Report) – Mrs. Melody Douglas
    3. Six-Year Pupil Enrollment Projections – Mrs. Melody Douglas
    4. Board Reports
    5. Board Worksession Report
  1. Action Items
    1. Consent Agenda

      (1) Approval of Six-Year Plan and School Construction NeedsVision
      (2) Approval of ResignationsStructure
      (3) Approval of Resolution 07-08-3, Support for Kenai Peninsula College Student HousingStructure
      (4) Approval of Budget TransfersStructure
      (5) Approval of Nontenured Teacher ContractStructure
      (6) Approval of New Teacher ContractStructure
      (7) Approval of Request for Leave of Absence-SupportStructure
      (8) Approval of Budget Transfers/Curriculum Materials PurchasesStructure
      (9) Approval of Request for Leave of Absence-CertifiedStructure

  1. First Reading of Policy Revisions
  1. Public Presentations/Comments(Individuals are limited to three minutes each on the topic(s) listed below or on any topic.)
  1. Board Comments(Individual Board member comments are limited to three minutes.)
  1. Executive Session(If needed)
  1. Adjourn
* * * * * * *
Copies of agenda items are available just prior to the meeting in the back of the room or visit our website at