
Philosophy of Education

The parents and staff believe the purpose of education is to provide children with skills necessary to live successfully, to contribute to their communities, and to be responsible citizens.

Intellectual development includes mastery of basic skills in all academic areas. Every effort is made for students to achieve maximum learning at their enrolled grade level through careful and sequential teaching.

Parental involvement is deemed essential to the success of the program. Learning is considered a partnership between parents, students, teachers and staff.

Aurora Borealis Charter School is based on the premise that the majority of children:

  • Learn best within the framework of a structured environment;
  • Are happiest when they are challenged by high academic standards and can see measured progress in themselves;
  • Feel more secure and perform more efficiently in an atmosphere where self-discipline is encouraged and boundaries are consistently enforced;
  • Reach their greatest potential when they receive positive reinforcement through recognition and award programs based on individual achievement.

How is Aurora Borealis Charter School different from other schools in the district?

  • ABCS provides a research-based classical education through whole group, subject-centered direct instruction, with textbooks used in the classroom. Emphasis is placed on language arts (phonetic reading, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary), mathematics, history, science, geography, technology, art, music, Latin (informal) and physical education.
  • Reading begins in kindergarten and is stressed throughout the program.
  • ABCS uses a different grading scale for grades 3-8: 94-100 (A), 86-93 (B), 70-85 (C), 65-69 (D), and 0-64 (F). Letter grades are given in grades 1-8.
  • Grading is done on a percentage basis with no curve.
  • Instruction is geared to the top of the class. Students are expected to perform at or above grade level. Students are to maintain a minimum grade of a C in all subjects.
  • Appropriate homework is assigned in order to foster self-discipline/responsibility, reinforce classroom instruction, develop good study habits, and keep parents informed of student progress.
  • A strong emphasis on citizenship, values, self-discipline, and patriotism make this program unique.