Nikiski Middle High School
Home of the Bulldogs!

Nikiski Middle High School envisions a nurturing and dynamic learning environment where every student is empowered to grow mentally, socially, emotionally, and physically. We strive to cultivate a community of lifelong learners who are equipped to thrive in an ever-changing world, embrace their unique talents, and contribute positively to society.
At Nikiski Middle High School, our mission is to provide an inclusive and engaging education that meets the diverse needs of our students. We are dedicated to:
- Offering tailored educational experiences that foster exploration of individual talents and interests.
- Encouraging meaningful connections to the world around us and promoting responsible citizenship.
- Supporting students in organizing knowledge for practical application and guiding their social development for successful interpersonal relationships.
- Instilling a passion for lifelong learning and helping students develop a solid value system.
- Actively collaborating with our community to enhance understanding, respect, and involvement in the educational process.
Together, we empower students to take ownership of their learning and develop the skills necessary for personal and academic success.
PO Box 7112
Nikiski, AK 99635
- Principal Tenure: 7 years
- 21 Certified staff (76% have a masters degree or higher)
- 9 Classified staff (44% have an associate’s degree or higher)
- 14.3:1 P/T ratio
- 19.7 average staff years of service
- 272 Enrollment
- 91% Attendance Rate
- Intervention Support
- Reading 180
- RAP (Raising Academic Performance)
- Tutoring before and after school
- Boys and Girls Club Tutoring
Academics Assessment
- MAP – Math
- 2023 Fall to Spring: Growth 62% / Achievement 40%
- 2023 Fall to Spring Reading: Growth 60% / Achievement 45%
- 2023 Fall to Spring Language Usage: Growth 41% / Achievement 40%
Secondary Specific
- Graduation Rate
- 22-23 84.38%
- 4 year average 90.41%
- Post Secondary Enrollment Stats
- 60% of 23-24 seniors went on to either a College, Technical Training, or the Military
- Dual Enrollment: Public Speaking
School Projects/Initiatives
- NMHS Food Drive
- NMHS is committed to continue helping our students grow and increase our Proficiency and Advanced ratings on AK STAR in ELA and Math
Honors, Awards and Recognitions
- Cognia Accredited High School
- Recognized as a Purple Star School
- NMHS is now recognized as an FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapter
- 2023-2024 DDF State Championship
Course Offering Highlights
- Public Speaking
- Film as Lit
- Journalism
- Dance
- Theater
- Woods
- Welding
- Outdoor Explorations
- High School Academic Decathlon
School Climate and Mindset Key Data
School Culture Highlights
Kenaitze comes once a week to meet with the Indigenous students.
Promote Career and Job opportunities – students tour colleges and work programs and go to the College and Career Fair.
Military recruiters regularly visit the school – they even volunteer their time to help out at sporting events.
Family and Community Engagements/Highlights
Open House
Parent Teacher Conferences
Alumni Night
Sporting Events and Fundraisers
Middle School and High School Theater Productions Including DDF
Choir and Band Concerts
Awards Night
National Honor Society Induction
Purple Star School – Night to honor active, retired, and veterans.
Goals for the year
- 80% of students will show improvement in Reading as measured by projected growth on the NWEA MAP test from Fall to Spring testing.
- 80% of students will show improvement in Language Usage as measured by projected growth on the NWEA MAP test from fall to Spring testing.