Aurora Borealis Charter School
Home of the Polar Bears!
Aurora Borealis will hold high academic and behavioral expectations for all students.
The purpose of Aurora Borealis Charter School is to provide the finest academic program possible. To meet this purpose, it is our obligation to promote an educational environment that reflects high academics, character, and citizenship standards for all students and establish classroom conditions where these standards can be met.
705 Frontage Road Suite A
Kenai, AK 99611
- Principal Tenure: Mr. McCanna is in his ninth year at ABC.
- 12 Certified staff members (only a few without a masters degree)
- 6 Classified staff
1 nurse
1 secretary
3 instructional aides
1 custodian - 17:1 P/T ratio
- 10 average Staff years of service
- 198 Enrollment
- Attendance Rate
- Intervention Support
Multitiered System of Support (MTSS) Plan with DEED
Academics Assessment
- MAP – Math
Elementary Specific
- % mCLASS Kinder at benchmark or above on EOY
- % mCLASS 1st grade at benchmark or above on EOY
- % mCLASS 2nd grade at benchmark or above on EOY
- % mCLASS 3rd grade at benchmark or above on EOY
- Afterschool programs
- Cross country
- Basketball
- Battle of the Books
- Robotics
School Projects/Initiatives
Staff and students are focusing on our new Foundation Stones. The Foundation Stones are character qualities we want all students to learn and exhibit in and out of school. The seven characteristic traits are Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Self Control, Integrity, Cooperation, and Perseverance.
Honors, Awards and Recognitions
Robotics and Future Problem Solving compete every year at the state level competitions. We have had at least one Future Problem Solving team qualify for the International Competition every year for past six years.
School Climate and Mindset Key Data
School Culture Highlights
Our school is focusing on our Foundation Stones that were implemented this school year.
Family and Community Engagements/Highlights
Our Parent Teacher Committee (PTC) continues to help the school with various activities.
Goals for the year
- By the end of the 2025 school year, we will assist 100% of students to move one Tier up who are in either Tier II or III in the mCLASS assessment in grades K-3.
- By the end of the 2025 school year, 100% of the students identified will be at least at the 50 percentile for their grade level as measured by the NWEA MAP math and reading Spring Benchmark assessment.