Health Services


Health Services Supervisor


KPBSD is hiring fulltime and part-time school nurses.

See open positions now, and apply today. Your KPBSD students need you!

School nurses strengthen and facilitate the educational experience. They assist by removing barriers and by identifying and correcting health problems that can interfere with learning. School nurses are able to coordinate care so that a child has a successful school experience.

New To District Students

Students new to a KPBSD school are required to have the following:

  • Birth certificate
  • Immunization record – immunizations must be current prior to entry*
  • Physical exam

A Vactrak form is not required, but extremely helpful. It allows the nurse to access your student’s vaccination record from the state site and get their vaccination information. That helps you and us when you can’t find your child’s records or when boosters are given. You can access that form to sign here

Returning Students

Bring any new immunization record to the nurse. Required immunizations must be up to date prior to the first day of class.* Update any health information. Talk with the school nurse if you have health related questions.

Any Student

In a life-threatening emergency or when it is unsafe for the parent/guardian to transport a student, the paramedics will be called.

Accidental injuries at school are treated by the school nurse or other trained staff member. Parents will be informed and advised if medical care is needed.

If your child is ill, please consider the other students and staff members and keep your child home. Children who become ill at school will have a parent/guardian notified for pick up.

Please keep your emergency contact numbers up-to-date so that you or another responsible party can be easily contacted. It is important to have home, work, cell and any emergency numbers on file with the school.

If your student has any of the following health concerns, please complete the appropriate form and return it to the school nurse.

If medication is to be administered at school, one of the following needs to be complete and on file with the nurse prior to administration of the first dose:

Exemptions for immunizations are accepted with proof of disease history or a medical or religious exemption.

Information about Concussion

If your student is returning to school with an injury:

Return to Play From Injury Form

  • If the student’s injury requires medical attention beyond first aid, this form must be signed
  • After this form is signed by a provider, it must then be sent to the nursing supervisor for approval of student’s return

Busing and Other Health Issues

The safety of your child is always important. This includes the time spent traveling to and from school on the buses. If your child has a medical condition that might require attention during transport or is important for the safety of other students or the bus driver and attendant, please complete the medical information form. You can get this form from your child’s bus driver.

Another way to make sure the driver and attendant have information about your student is to contact the school nurse and allow him/her to provide information to the busing staff. The nurse must have all pertinent information related to your child’s condition. You must sign a Release of Information form that allows the nurse to communicate with bus drivers and/or other bus personnel.


During the school year the nurses complete growth screenings (height, weight and BMI). Reports are shared with parents. If you do not want to have your child’s growth screening completed you may sign an opt out form.

Vision and hearing screenings are conducted at intervals during a student’s time at KPBSD. Should a concern be identified by the school nurse, you will be notified. Follow-up information from the optometrist, ophthalmologist or audiologist should be reported to the nurse.

KPBSD Nurses

Helpful Information

*Prior to school entry a child must be immunized as required by Alaska state law. The requirements currently include the following: diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Some children may require a specific booster dose during the school year. KPBSD will comply with state law in all matters pertaining to immunization compliance.

Childhood Immunizations

VaccineRecommended ImmunizationsRequired Immunizations for Preschool EntryRequired Immunizations for School Entry (K-12)
Birth 2 mo 4 mo 6 mo 12-14 mo 15-18 mo 2-4 years4-6 years7-18 years
“DTaP”, Diphtheria, Tetanus, PertussisXXXX**XTdap (10 yr booster)
“IPV”, PolioXXX****
“MMR”, Measles, Mumps, RubellaX**X**
“Hib”, Haemophilus Influenzae Type BXXXX**
Hepatitis AXX****
Hepatitis BXXX******

** Vaccines may be required at this age if previously recommended doses were missed.

Please visit the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services  Vaccine Information for Parents, Patients, and Health Care Providers page for the most up-to-date requirements and recommendations.

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