Introduction to Art Grades 9-12

*Prerequisites: Credit with grade C or higher in Introduction and Intermediate Art or instructor’s permission

Performing and Creating
1-67a. Develop and define artistic skills and self-expression using art elements (e.g., line, form, texture, color, value, and shape).• Collaborate in small and large groups to design, develop, and discuss works of art.
1-67b. Explore a variety of media emphasizing the principles of design (e.g., rhythm, movement, balance, composition, emphasis, contrast, unity).• Develop a portfolio of artwork.
c. Develop an understanding of composition and design through the creation of two and three-dimensional art.
• Develop projects incorporating color theory.
1-64-6, 81-51-7d. Demonstrate the ability to express ideas through visual arts, discussion, and writing.
1-61-47e. Use a variety of techniques, tools, and media to create individual art.
1-6, 71-42,7,8f. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and usage of art through technology.
1-641-48g. Set, pursue, and readily adjust art-making goals by recognizing and judging new possibilities as they emerge.
History and Culture
71-91-51-7a. Recognize the relationship between the arts, environment, individual, and society.• Study United States and world cultures, including Alaska Native, through production and design of student art work.
1-81-51-7b. Describe the characteristics of styles of art and recognize artists exemplifying those styles.• Complete a piece of art around a theme, concept, idea, or issue.
1-91-51-7c. Identify universal themes throughout various historical periods and the influences on the creation of different pieces of art.• Integrate cultural, historical, or contemporary techniques into artwork.
1-91-61-8d. Identify artists, historical periods, and their influences on the creation of art.
Evaluation and Analysis
4,5,7,81-51-8a. Understand and use criteria to evaluate the visual arts.• Interpret a piece of art by questioning what story, feeling, or concept the art is conveying to the viewer.
b. Communicate an understanding for a variety of styles and artistic expressions.
• Make a judgment about the success of the art work in terms of its aesthetic qualities.
1-67,81-51-7c. Exhibit appropriate behavior related to the art environment.• Compare and contrast art created in different areas of the world, as well as in different periods of history.
1-81-51-8d. Learn to accept and offer constructive criticism for own work as well as the work of others.• Interpret art through questions regarding the formal principles and elements of design.
Aesthetic Perception
1-81-51-7a. Respect the opinions of others concerning artwork, recognizing that personal opinions are a reflection of past experiences and culture.• Write personal definitions of art and beauty; find and share art examples that support definitions.
3-81-51-7b. Be able to discuss what makes a work of art.• Present art from own ethnic or cultural background.
71-92-41-8c. Recognize how art influences everyday life.• Investigate careers related to the arts.


  • Concept assimilation and demonstration
  • Creativity
  • Participation in class
  • Rubric
  • Safety habits
  • Skill growth and manipulatives
  • Time on task
  • Working to assignment parameter

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