Intermediate Art Grades 9-12

This course expands the students’ knowledge of the basic art elements and principles of design. It will focus on the development of advanced skills through the use of various art media.

Performing and Creating
2,7a. Explore media techniques and processes, demonstrating sufficient skills.• Produce works for a portfolio, exploring different tools and technology in a chosen area of study.
1-611b. Demonstrate through a finished product an understanding of a specific medium.• Demonstrate ability to process reasons for creating a piece of art.
1-6421,6,7c. Set, pursue, and readily adjust art-making goals by recognizing and judging new possibilities as they emerge.• Collaborate with others when developing and creating a piece of art.
1-6d. Develop an understanding of composition and design through the creation of two and three-dimensional art.
1-73-6, 81-51-3, 6,7e. Demonstrate the ability to express ideas through visual arts, discussion, and writing.
1-61-4f. Use a variety of techniques, tools, and media to create individual art.
1-662, 5-8g. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and usage of art through technology.
History and Culture
71-91,2,43-5a. Explore and understand the varied roles of ritual and tradition in art.• Compare how Alaska Native arts have changed; compare traditional and contemporary forms and the relationship to the individual, the society, and the environment.
1-91,2,41-7b. Recognize specific works of art created by artists from diverse backgrounds (e.g., Christian and Byzantine art; Medieval and Romanesque art; Baroque and Roccoco art; Egyptian and Greek).• Pick a universal theme (love, war, family, landscapes, architecture, ritual, etc.) and develop a timeline which demonstrates change.
1-91,2,41-7• Compare and contrast student art work and present society with past individual artists and societies.
• Compare two world cultures; show how they express themselves in similar art forms and their relationship to the individual, the society, and the environment.
• Give examples of how a culture’s artworks have been influenced by contact with another culture.

*Prerequisites: Credit with grade C or higher in Introduction to Art or instructor’s approval required

Performing and Creating
5-81-51-7a. Apply the principles and elements of art to evaluate a specific piece of art work.
1-81-52b. Evaluate craftsmanship, function, originality, technique, and theme.
1-81-53,5,6c. Evaluate and critique historical and contemporary forms of art.• Use description, analysis, interpretation, and judgment to critique art.
41-81-51-7d. Demonstrate the capacity to enter into and maintain a knowledgeable discussion and sharing of opinions.
Aesthetic Perception
1-921-8a. Understand the impact of the arts and aesthetic experiences upon historic and contemporary life and society.• Research and investigate other related courses, subjects, and careers related to the arts.
1-81, 3-51-8b. Identify and discuss the characteristics of successful works of art.• Create art that conveys an emotion or feeling.
1-91-51-8c. Demonstrate sensitivity to the diversified experiences and personal preferences that people embrace through the arts.• Discuss issues related to aesthetics, artists, values in art, and other related topics.
1-63-61-51-8d. Demonstrate the ability to express oneself through art.


  • Concept assimilation and demonstration
  • Creativity
  • Participation in class
  • Rubric
  • Safety habits
  • Skill growth and manipulatives
  • Time on task
  • Working to assignment parameter

*Prerequisites: Credit with grade C or higher in Introduction to Art or instructor’s approval required

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