Metals Process 2

  • Prerequisite Course(s): Metals 1 or Welding 1
  • High School Credit = 1/2 credit per semester (Postsecondary credit = 0)
  • This course will be offered: every year
  • Pathway (Optional): Manufacturing Production Process Development
  • Career Cluster Area: Manufacturing
  • Source of Occupational Skills Standards: American Welding Society (AWS), High Performance Manufacturing (HPM) Machining Skills from the National Institute for Metalworking Skills, Inc. (MS)
  • Eligibility for Nationally Recognized Skill Certificate(s)/State License? No
  • Tech Prep: No
  • Is this course brokered through another institution or agency? No
  • Course Description: Metal Processes 2 is a course for students who want to further pursue their interest in working with metal. Advanced hot and cold metal working processes and techniques will be covered in this class.
  • Content Headings/Topics
    1. Safety and health
    2. Tools and equipment
    3. Blue print reading
    4. Heat treatment
    5. Metal machining
    6. Layout
    7. Project construction
    8. Career opportunities
Performance Standards (Learner Outcomes)Specific Occupational Skills StandardsAlaska Reading, Writing, Math, Science Performance StandardsAlaska Content StandardsAlaska Employability StandardsAlaska Cultural StandardsAll Aspects of IndustryAssessments
1. Demonstrate safe shop procedures in all metal processes.AWS-EX
Core #1
HL AA6C3Health / SafetyLab Assignment
2. Identify and properly use all tools and equipment in metal working processes.HPM
A6B4TechnicalLab Assignment
3. Demonstrate the ability to read blue prints and technical drawings.AWS
Core #5
Math EPlanningLab Assignment
4. Define heat treatment processes utilized in metalworking.W3.5TechnicalWritten Paper
5. Identify and utilize the steps in machine tooling.KSAO 8.4R3.6LA RTechnicalLab Assignment
6. Employ specific metal machining techniques.MS2 10.2.bTechnicalLab Assignment
7. Demonstrate proficiency in using metal layout and techniques.E1.3.2Math ETechnicalLab Assignment
8. Demonstrate project fabrication and repair utilizing various metal processes.B4TechnicalLab Assignment
9. Explore and identify careers in metal processes.B2B4B2All AspectsOral Report

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