Production Art Grades 7-12

This course will apply business and marketing skills to the production of art created by students. This course will reinforce foundational skills and emphasize employment, career, and educational opportunities. (Possible dual credit class)

Performing and Creating
2,7a. Understand that there are different expectations, limitations, and responsibilities with each job description.• Investigate careers and employment opportunities.
1-6b. Apply varied media in technology to meet the production requirements of individual jobs and products.• Work cooperatively with others to design and produce a product.
1-6• Explore different technology and media when developing a product.
• Produce a marketable product.
History and Culture
a. Be sensitive to marketing and subject treatment in the design characteristics of a product.
• Research product design and marketing characteristics for this region, country, and world.
1-8b. Identify marketable themes.• Visit factories, graphic shops, stores, and other facilities that focus on marketing.
1-55c. Explore how previous products and cultural changes have influenced products and packaging.
7d. Explore how marketing a product has changed.
86,7e. Be aware of marketing trends. Identify and discuss the characteristics of a successful product according to its intended audience.
Evaluation and Analysis
3-54,5, 7,81,22,7a. Know and understand the importance of artistic design and quality craftsmanship.• Through critique and discussion, demonstrate ability to process reasons for creating a product.
3,45,71,22b. Recognize craftsmanship, function, originality, technique, and design of several different products.• Have a professional person evaluate and critique the process and production of a product and its marketability.
81,3, 43c. Accept and offer constructive criticism.• Evaluate and critique both successful and unsuccessful products.
Aesthetic Perception
841,3, 4a. Understand that personal appeal moves a product.• Use professional businessmen and craftsmen to provide opportunities for discussion, guidance, and insight to the job market and marketing.
81-7b. Demonstrate the capacity to maintain a discussion and share opinions.• Develop and conduct a survey that reflects opinions about a product.
26,7c. Recognize the influence that advertising and marketing have on us.• Discuss issues related to aesthetics, artists, values in art, and other related topics.
• Explore opportunities to market products.


  • Computer literacy
  • Concept assimilation and demonstration
  • Creativity
  • Participation in class
  • Portfolio
  • Product marketing
  • Public exhibition
  • Public relations
  • Rubric
  • Safety habits
  • Skill growth and manipulatives
  • Time on task
  • Working to assignment parameter

*Prerequisites: Credit with grade C or higher in introduction and intermediate Art or instructor’s permission

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